Author: Brian

What Happens if Someone is Injured on a Cruise Ship?

Our Florida accident lawyers at Cowen Edwards are here to assist you after you have been injured on a cruise ship. Even though you expect that you will be kept safe from harm on a cruise ship, an accident can happen at any given moment. After you have been involved in a cruise ship accident, there are some things that

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What Happens If Someone Dies While on a Cruise?

Cowen Edwards team of Florida accident lawyers will be there to help you after any injury on a cruise ship. While there’s a wide range of potential accidents, the most serious of them can cause fatal injuries. So, the question then becomes, what happens? Clearly, there’s legal mechanisms in place for this unfortunate situation. To learn more about your options,

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Difference Between Crocodiles and Alligators

When you think about encountering a crocodile or alligator in Fort Lauderdale, it’s not as far-fetched as it might seem–and that can leave you with serious injuries. If you’ve been hurt in an incident with a crocodile or alligator, contact Cowen Edwards today for a free consultation. What’s the Difference Between Crocodiles and Alligators? At first glance, it’s difficult to

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Are There Both Crocodiles and Alligators in Florida?

Throughout Florida, one of the most common sights is to see an alligator. This isn’t that surprising, given the overall climate and access to all different kinds of waterways. But at the same time, this also provides a seemingly natural habitat for crocodiles. Given the closeness of these two animals, it’s important to understand what to do if you come

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Florida Alligator Injury Lawyer

When you get hurt in an accident in Fort Lauderdale, you can rely on Cowen Edwards to guide you through the legal process. If you spend any amount of time out and about in the city, you’ve probably seen or at least heard of interactions with alligators. Like any potential interaction, this could leave you injured, and facing mounting medical

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Florida Crocodile Injury Lawyer

Cowen Edwards represents injury victims in all different types of accidents and incidents in Fort Lauderdale. When you’re trying to take advantage of the city’s beautiful weather and access to lakes, rivers, and other waterways, there’s a number of different potential hazards. One of these that you might not expect offhand is an encounter with a crocodile. If you or

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